Post by Capt RobHorvath only wins races when he is the president of the yacht club in an
area with slim sailing seasons. Sailors who sail year round would make mince
meat of him. In his off season he sails in the bath tub.
I have never been president of any yacht club. And FYI, when the lake
freezes over we have ice boat sailing. The western end of Lake Erie
is considered the best place in the world for ice boating. When it
freezes over you can sail for over 50 miles between Detroit and
Toledo. Some ice boats can sail over 100 mph. Try that in your
little dingy.
We even have our own class of boats. The DN, (Detroit News), class is
the most popular ice boat in the world. You don't need a life jacket,
but you do need to wear a helmet.
Merry Christmas everyone. God bless us all.
God bless America.
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